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Information & Agenda of China Urban Forum 100 Inaugural Meeting

Publish Date:2015-02-11 15:17:00
 NameChinaUrban Forum & Urbanization of Men Seminar

Time: Morning, August 31, 2014

Venue: 1st Lecture Hall of the Chinese Academyof Social Sciences

(No. 5 Jianguomennei Avenue, DongchengDistrict, Beijing)

Hosted by  ChinaUrban Forum 100

China Society of Urban Economy

Co-organized by  Centerfor City and Competitiveness, CASS

                            UB Group


China Urban Forum 100 Inaugural Meeting

& Urbanization of Men Seminar

Information &Agenda

August 31, 2014

08:30- 09:00

Participants  checking in

09:00 -  09:05

Introducing the present guests and media by host Mao Qizhi  (Professor of Tsinghua University)

09:05 - 09:15

Speech by Wang Weiguang (President of the Chinese Academy  of Social Sciences)

09:15 -  10:00

Thematic  Speeches:


Xu Kuangdi (Honorary Chairman of the Presidium of  the Chinese Academy   of Engineering)

Yang Weimin (Deputy Director of the Central  Committee’s Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs)

Cai Fang (Vice President of the Chinese Academy  of Social Sciences)

10:00 -  10:15

Report on forum preparations and related documents by Ni  Pengfei (Researcher of the Chinese   Academy of Social  Sciences)

10:15 - 10:30

Discussions and adoption  of related documents

10:30 -  10:35

Announcing and unveiling the establishment of the forum by  Jin Baoping (Standing Vice Chairman of  China Society of Urban Economy)

10:35 - 10:45

Tea  break

10:45 -  12:00

Academic researches (Participants deliver short,  but constructive speeches on the theme of the meeting and the work of the  forum); summary speech by Li Yang (Vice President of the Chinese Academy  of Social Sciences)


Media interviews with  present forum members

12:30-  13:30

Buffet launch (Dining hall of the Chinese   Academy of Social  Sciences)