On April 9GUCPorganises the conference on “Innovative strategies for sustainable urbancompetitiveness”. GUCP members will present papers on this theme. The Conference isfor academics and practitioners interested in urban studies. It starts at9 AM and ends at 6 PM.
The main iUrban conference will start in the evening of 9 April with areception at theRotterdam City Hall. The conferencewill end on 11 April around noon. To attend either the GUCP or the main iUrbanprogramme please registerhere.
Venue: Erasmus UniversityRotterdam,Campus Woudestein, Building M, Room M3-15 Forum zaal. For more details see venues.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
08:15 | Reception of the participants for the Global Urban Competitiveness Project sessions |
08:45 | Opening - Professor Peter Kresl, president GUCP |
09:00 | Urban sustainability and revitalization; the case of the mile End in Montreal - Professor Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Québec, Montreal
Transforming Urban Villages in Shenzhen, China - Professor Erin Cho, New School for Social Research, US
Discussion |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:45 | Sustainable development and competitive performance among Mexican cities: Economic and Environmental Accounts - Professor Luis Jaime Sobrino Figueroa, Urban and Environmental Studies, the College of Mexico
Urban sustainability and competitiveness: Factors defining Mexican cities - Isela Orihuela, Mexico City
Discussion and questions |
12:15 | Lunch |
13:15 | Local territorial networks in public- private partnerships and regional development - Danielle Ietri, Aosta, Italy
Urbanisation process and policies for sustainable urbanization in China - Professor Jianfa Shen, Geography and Resources Management Dept., the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shanghai and Nantong: a story of sustainable urban competitiveness for Twin cities - Professor Pengfei Ni, Institute of Finance and Trade Economics CASS, Beijing |
14:45 | Barcelona and the new Inclusive Growth Strategy - Professor JoanTrullen, Vicepresident of Strategic Planning of AMB
Political Engagement Deficit in Sustainable Governance of Cities in East Africa - Professor Winnie Mitullah, University of Nairobi
Discussion and questions |
16:15 | Coffee Break |
16:30 | Chicago and Pittsburgh: Two paths to sustainable renewal - Professor Peter Karl Kresl, President of the GUCP, Emeritus Professor, Bucknell University |
17:00 | Wrap up discussion – and the future for GUCP |
17:30 | GUCP Conference is concluded |
Wednesday, 9 April 2014 - Start iUrban conference
18:30 | Reception and buffet dinner at the City Hall Welcome by Mr Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam Dinner is jointly sponsored by ARCADIS, City of Rotterdam, Euricur & PwC |
Thursday, 10 April 2014
08:30 | Reception and registration of the participants |
09:00 | Opening Opening by conference moderator Fons Trompenaars Welcome speech by Prof. dr. Huibert Pols, Rector Erasmus University Rotterdam |
09:30 | Innovative urban development strategies for sustainable competitiveness Highlights and principles of the global comparative study carried out by Euricur, PwC and IHS, high-level outcomes of report and the storyline for the rest of the meeting.
Leo van den Berg, director of Euricur and professor in regional economics and urban management at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Hazem Galal, Global Cities & Local Government Sector Leader, partner at PwC |
10:00 | New approaches for sustainable competitiveness Keynote speech on new approaches in urban development worldwide, reflecting on the results of the international comparative study.
Saskia Sassen, Professor in Urban Sociology, Columbia University |
11:00 | Coffee Break |
11:30 | Lessons from Singapore, Center for Liveable City Keynote speech on lessons learned by Singapore and the Center for Liveable Cities, reflecting on the results of the international comparative study.
Khoo Teng Chye, Executive Director of Centre for Liveable Cities, Singapore |
12:00 | What can cities learn from each other? A global perspective Panel discussion with representatives from the academic, private and public sector:
Peter Kresl, Professor of Economics and International Relations in the Department of Economics at Bucknell University and president of the Global Urban Competitiveness Project
Paul Bevan, former Director of EUROCITIES
Jan Sturesson, Global Government & Public Services Industry Leader and partner at PwC
Jan Fransen, IHS
Khoo Teng Chye, Executive Director of Centre for Liveable Cities, Singapore
John Jacobs, Rotterdam Climate Initiative |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:00 | Breakout sessions: Emerging matters, innovative approaches and outcomes |
16:10 | Coffee break |
16:30 | “Cool Hunting” – Attracting talents to make it happen
Carl Rohde, sociologist, trendwatcher, Coolhunting and leads Science of the Time |
17:00 | Wrap-up and closure of the first day Fons Trompenaar |
17:30 | Social drinks |
Friday, 11 April 2014
08:30 | Reception of participants |
09:00 | Opening by moderator Fons Trompenaars |
09:15 | Beyond City Government – Pentahelix stakeholder collaboration Hazem Galal will set the scene by addressing the need for new partnerships and a new role for all stakeholders in the urban development process.
Followed by a panel discussion with Private sector, Academic sector, NGO’s and government representative. Andrew Waddelove, ARCADIS Savvas Verdis, Siemens Trude Maas-Brouwer, Utrecht Development Board |
10:30 | Coffee break |
11:00 | Agile Cities Introduction to Agile Council model including social innovation Nick Jones, Director of PwC Global Public Sector Research Centre. Followed by presentation on how agile cities have made it happen Mark Frequin, Dutch Ministry Internal Affairs, Dave Carter, Manchester City, Knowles Tivendale, Advisor Melbourne City |
12:00 | Interactive wrap-up The conference moderator will provide a moderated, interactive feedback session leading to high-level conclusions. |
12:30 | Closing remarks By Leo van den Berg, professor in regional economics and urban management at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Hazem Galal, Global Cities & Local Government Sector Leader at PwC. |
12:45 | Lunch |
14:00 | End of conference |