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The 4th International Forum on Urban Competitivene

Publish Date:2014-03-17 22:59:25


The 4th International Forum on Urban Competitiveness

Date: 09:30~17:30 Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Venue: aSSIST Grand Lecture Hall 2F Grand Lecture Hall 2F

Hosted by: Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs (MOGAHA)

The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies (IPS)

Sponsored by: Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies (aSSIST)

* English translation will be provided

n        Program

09:30 ~ 10:00


10:00 ~ 10:30

[Opening Ceremony]

- Opening Announcement

Dong-Sung Cho

Professor of the Seoul National University and Organizing Committee Chairman

- Welcoming Speech

Vice-minister of Ministry of Government Administration and HomeAffairs (MOGAHA) of Korea

- Congratulatory Speech and GUCP Introduction

• Peter Karl Kresl

Professor of Bucknell University/Program Committee Chairman


10:30 ~ 12:00


Moderator: Lee Yun-cheol

Professor Korea Aerospace University/President of The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies(IPS)

Dong-Sung Cho

Professor of Seoul National University / Organizing Committee Co-Chairman

“Sustainable development strategy of city competitiveness”

Peter Karl Kresl

Professor of Bucknell University/Program Committee Chairman

“The state of the study of urban competitiveness in the US”

Ni Pengfei

Director of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences/Organizing Committee Co-Chairman

“Strategy of city competitiveness and positioning”

12:00 ~ 13:30


13:30 ~ 15:05

[Session II]

Moderator: Choe Sokho

Professor of Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies

Leo van den Berg

Professor of Erasmus University

“Toward a sustainable relationship between city and university: a stakeholdership approach”

Kathryn Pain

Lecturer in Human Geography, Loughborough University

“The contribution of advanced producer services to urban competitiveness policy challenges and prospects”

Antonio Serrano

Director of postgrade studies and distance learning education Universidad Autónoma del Noreste

“Relationship between systems of cities and urban competitiveness”

• Discussion: Paik Gwon Ho

Professor of Yeungnam University

• Discussion: Moon Hwy-Chang

Professor of the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University

15:05~ 15:25

[Coffee Break]

15:25~ 17:25

[Session III]

Moderator: Paik Gwon Ho

Professor of Yeungnam University

Shin Cheol-Ho

Professor of Sungshin Women's University /Chairman of The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies

“City competitiveness and branding"

Jianfa Shen

Professor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

“Hong Kong's urban competitiveness and its challenges”

Jaime Sobrino

Professor-researcher and academic coordinator of the Ph.D in Urban and

Environmental Studies

“Urban competitiveness and territorial development in Mexico”

Nation/Urban Competitiveness Research Team of the The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies(IPS)

 “Comparative study of city competitiveness: China-Korea”

• Discussion: Choe Sokho

Professor of the Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies

• Discussion: Lee Yun-cheol

Professor of Korea Aerospace University/President of The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies(IPS)


[Closing Ceremony]