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  • Yang xiaolan


    Education Background

           2009/8-2012/8 The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Geography and Resource Management Department (PhD)

           2006/9-2009/3 Universityof Post and Telecommunication University,Master Degree

           2001/9-2005/7 Beijing Jiaotong University, Economy andBusiness Management Department, Bachelor Degree

    Research Experience

           2008-2009 China Academic of Social Science (ResearchAssistant)

           2012-now Central University of Finance andEconomics, Economic department, assistant professor


           Macroeconomic, regional economy and policy,principal of economic theory

    Research interest

           Urban development,

           Regional convergence and divergence,

           World city network

           Urban economy

    Published papers

    1. YangXiaolan, Zhang Anquan, Economic Growth and Environment DegradationEvidencefrom Panel Data of Prefecture-level Cities (In Chinese), Finance and Trade,2014, 01.

    2. YangXiaolan, Ni Pengfei, The evaluation of slum improvement result and the impactof government---the Case Study of Liaoning slum update projects. Journal of SocialScience 2014.02

    3. ShenJianfa, Yang Xiaolan A study on urban competitiveness of major Chinese cities1995-20082012China Reviewvol7.

    4. Derudder,B., P. Taylor, Pengfei Ni, Xiaolan Yang (2011) The changing geography ofglobalized service provision, 2000–2008. The Service Industries Journal, 31,2293-2307.

    5. Derudder, B., P. Taylor, Pengfei Ni, Xiaolan Yang (2010)Pathways of Change: Shifting Connectivities in the World CityNetwork, 2000-08. Urban studies, 47, 1861-1877.

    6. Derudder, B., P. Taylor, Pengfei Ni, Xiaolan Yang (2009)Measuring the World City Network: NewDevelopments and Results. GaWC Research Bulletin, 300.

    7. Derudder, B., P. Taylor, Pengfei Ni, Xiaolan Yang (2009) Theway we were: command-and-control centres in the global space-economy on the eveof the 2008 geo-economic transition. Environment and Planning A, 41, 7.

    8. Yang Xiaolan, 2011 Pacific Asian Cities in Globalization in GlobalUrban Analysis: A Survey of Cities In GlobalizationPeter J. Taylor, Pengfei Ni et al.,London . Washington, DC:Earthscan Press.