Li Yuwei
Li Yuwei, Ph.D. in economics(2006). Associate Professor in BusinessSchool at Central Universityof Finance and Economics.
Work Experience:
1997——2000, Assistant manager ofstrategy planning department at LU’AN group.
2004——2005, Research Assistantof China Business Center of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2006——2012, Lecturer of managementin Business School at Central University of Finance and Economics
2009——2011,Part-time Postdoctoral in Instituteof Finance and Trade Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
2013——,Associate Professor in BusinessSchool at Central University of Finance and Economics
Research fields:
1. Urban economics. I have paid my attention to this area forfive years, and set framework that is relations and mass transportation.
2. Educational Economics. I pay my attention to relation betweenEducation and urban economy.
3. Industrial organization. I major in Global Value Chain, andresearch conduct and performance of firms at Global Value Chain.
The papers and writings:
NiPengFei LiYuWei, Education promote the city competitiveness: NingBo experience in building a service-oriented educationsystem, Social Sciences Academic Press(China), 2011.11
LiYuWei NiPengFei, Reduceurban traffic cost sharing urban cluster effect, Chinaese Social SciencesToday,2011.4
LiYuWei NiPengFei, Therelationship of education and city competitiveness, Educational Research, 2012.4
LiYuWei NiPengFei,Externalities, transportation network and the urban economic growth, Social Sciences in China,2013.3