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  • Peter Kresl


    Department of Economics

    Bucknell University

    Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837

    Phone - 570-523-0335  Cell - 570-490-5193

    Fax - 570-577-3451  e-mail - kresl@bucknell.edu

    Education: Ph.D. The University of Texas (1970)

    Born: 2 October 1938, Oak Park, Illinois, U.S.A.

        My principal interests as an economist arenow related to rational policy for urban economies in our rapidly changinginternational context.  I now work primarilywith two research groups: The Global Urban Competitiveness Project (GUCP),Co-founder and President, Beijing, China, and the Italian Association for Study ofLocal Development (AISLo), Member Research committee, Castelletto Ticino, Italy.  This work has resulted in several books andarticles during the past decade, as well as presentations at conferences inmajor cities in Asia, North America and Europe.  Most recently at the Beijing World CityConference and the First Summit of the Beijing Economic Circular Region, at theBasque Institute of Competitiveness, and at Cittá della Scienza, in Naples,Italy.  I have also done work with theOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Fulbright Program,United National-Habitat II, U.S. Information Service, Centro Luigi Einaudi, International Centerfor Economic Research (Turin, Italy), amongothers.

        My recent research has focused on urbancompetitiveness, the impact of an aging population on urban economies,economics of the cultural sector, economic creativity, and economic strategiesfor small cities and towns.  Earlier Iworked on the Canadian and Norwegian economies, on Canadian-American economicrelations, and the European economic integration process.

       Most recently I co-authored, with DanieleIetri, a book, Urban CompetitivenessTheory and Practice,for Routledge.

       I received a commission to write a reporton "urban competitiveness" for UN Habitat in Nairobi. As a consequence, I was invited to participate in a UN conference on urbanpolicies for African cities, in Cape  Town, in February, 2012.

       I have been a professor of economics atBucknell University since 1969, and have led semester long study programs twiceeach in London and Tours (France), and study tours in China, Scandinavia andthe Alpine region of Europe, as well as having been visiting professor atMcGill University and Carleton University in Canada, the Norwegian School ofEconomics, and Lund University in Sweden.

    Publications - Books and Monographs, since 1995:

    The Competitivenessof Cities, Nairobi, Kenya: UN Habitat, 2013.

    Handbook ofResearch Methods on Cities, co-editor with Jaime Sobrino, Northampton, Mass.:Edward           Elgar Publishers, February,2013.

    Buone notizie per le città: Impatti economicipositive dell’invecchiamento della popolazione, co-authored

          with Daniele Ietri, Soveria Mannelli, Italy: Rubbettino, 2011.

    Economic Policiesfor Mature Urban Economies, editor, Northampton, Mass.: Edward ElgarPublishers,    


    The Aging of thePopulation and Urban Economies, co-authored with Daniele Ietri, Northampton, Mass.:

                 Edward Elgar Publishers, 2010.

    The Global UrbanCompetitiveness Report: 2010, co-authored with Ni Pengfei, Northampton, Mass.:

         EdwardElgar Publishers, 2010.

    Planning Citiesfor the Future; The Successes and Failures of Urban Economic Strategies in Europe,

                 Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers,2007

    The UrbanResponse to Internationalization, co-authored with Earl Fry, Northamption, Mass.:

                 Edward Elgar Publishers, 2005.

    France EncountersGlobalization, co-authored with Sylvain Gallais, Northampton, Mass.:Edward Elgar      

         Publishers, 2002.

    North AmericanCities and The Global Economy, co-edited with Gary Gappert, Thousand Oaks: Sage

                 Publications, Urban Affairs AnnualReview, Vol. 44, 1995.

    Works in Progress:

    A book for Routledge, Urban Competitiveness Theory and Practice, with Daniele Ietri, iscurrently in production and publication is anticipated for the Fall of 2014.

    Publications - SelectedArticles and Chapters in Books, since 1995:

    "China UrbanCompetitiveness in Industrialization" with Ni ;Pengfei and Li Xiaojiang, Urban Studies,

           forthcoming, 2014.

    “Cities incompetition: What do we see looking forward?”, From Urban Systems to Sustainable

         Competitive Metropolitan regions: Essays in honour of Leo van den Berg,Rotterdam: Erasmus

          University, 2013.

    “The Centrality of Urban Economies to theStudy of Competitiveness”, Business andEconomics Research

           Journal, Vo. 6, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 219-234.

    "Urban Competitiveness and USMetropolitan Centers", with Balwant Singh, Urban Studies, Vol. 49, No.

           2,2012, pp. 238-253.

    "Buon notizie per le cittàl'invecchiamento della popolazione e la competitività urbana”,in Geografie del      popolamento:casi di studio, methodi e teorie, Università degli Studi di Siena, 2009,pp. 133-142.

    "Arts in the City and Global changes: TheDemographical Challenge, with Daniele Ietri,The Journal of        the Arts in Society,Volume 4, Number 3, 2009.

    "Aging of the Population: Good News forCities," co-authored with Daniele Ietri, Local Government        Policy,September-November 2009.

    “The US System of Innovation," Biblioteca della Libertà (Centro LuigiEinaudi), 2006 (translated from         English)

    “The Impacts of the September 11 Events on Canada’s Foreign Policy,” in Alex Netherton,Allen Seager        and Karl Froschauer(eds.), In/Security: Canada in the Post-9/11 World, Burnaby: Simon Fraser      University, 2005, pp. 429-450.

    “NAFTA and its Discontents,” International Journal (“U.S.-CanadaRelations,” Edited by David

           G.Haglund and Joseph T. Jockel), May, 2005.

    “Citizen Participation in Canada and the United States: the case of healthcare reform,” in B.

           Castagna,S. Gallais, P. Ricaud and J.-P. Roy(eds.), La situation deliberative dans le

           débat public, Vol. 1, Tours:Presses Universitaires François-Rablais, 2004, pp. 155-168.

    “Revitalisation des quartiers centraux ausEtats-Unis: vers une attitude proactive,” in

           Reconversion économique et développementterritorial, Saint-Foy, Quebec: Presses de

           l’Universitédu Québec, 2003, pp. 51-76. (Translated from English)

    "Urban Competitiveness in North America and the Era of New Technologies," in Globalization

           and the Information TechnologyRevolution: their impact on North America'sfederal

           systems, Earl H. Fry and V. WallaceMcCarlie (eds.), Provo: Brigham Young University, 2002, pp, 62-       72.

    "Quebec Cityand Montreal, and the Impacts ofGlobalization," Quebec Studies, Vol. 32, Fall/Winter 2002,   pp. 3-13.

    "Urban economic competitiveness: thecase of Montreal," in Iain Begg (ed.), Urban Competitiveness,     Bristol:The Policy Press, 2002

    "France Encounters Globalization,"in Globalization and the PoliticalEconomy of Trade Policy, Edited by   ChristosC. Paraskevopoulos, Andreas A. Kintis and Leo Michelis, Toronto: APF Press,2001.

    "Come formare una cultura nazionale inun mondo senza confini," in Giancarlo Rolla (ed.), Lo sviluppo dei  dirittifondamentali in Canada,Milano: Dott.A. Giuffre editore, 2000, pp. 277-299. (Translated from        English)

    "Montreal'sPlace in the North American Economy," with Pierre-Paul Proulx, American

           Review of Canadian Studies, Autumn 2000, pp.293-314.

    "Social Cohesion in a GlobalizingEconomy," Cahiers de Jérico-st,CEDP, Tours (France), No. 2, 2000.

    "Competitiveness and the Urban Economy:the Experience of 24 Large USMetropolitan Areas," Urban         Studies, May 1999.

    "La resuesta de la economía urbana al Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte: planificarpara la   competitividad," Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, vol.I,núm. 4, julio-diciembre de 1998.

    "Urban Economies and the Global Economy:India and North America," in Vinay Kumar Malhotra and K.   S. Purushothaman (eds.), India and the USA:Economic Relations and Literature, New  Delhi: Anmol     PublicationsPvt. Ltd., 1998, with Balwant Singh.

    "Locally Designed Strategies forEnhancing the Competitiveness of Cities in a Globalized Economy"      in BetterGovernance for More Competitive and Liveable Cities, Report of theOECD-Toronto       Workshop, Paris: Organization forEconomic Co-operation and Development, 1997.

    "Canada's relation to the globaleconomy: is it time to revisit the Third Option?," in Alessandro Anastasi,       Giovanni Bonanno and Rosalba Rizzo(eds.), The Canadian Vision, FifthEuropean Multidisciplinary          Conference,26-28 April 1996, Giardini/Naxos, Italy, Conference Procedings, 1997.

    "Quebec Independence and the Likelihoodof trade Conflict with the United  States," ARCS, Spring 1997.

    "La politique culturelle : conflit oucompromis?," in Recherche : cultureet communications, Actes du     colloque64e congrès de l'ACFAS, Université McGill à Montréal, 15 et 16 mai 1996,Québec:       Ministère de la Culture et desCommunications, 1996, pp. 75-101.

    "Quebec'sCulture Policy: Will Increased Autonomy Matter?," ARCS, Winter, 1996.

    "The Political Economy of Canada's Culture Policy: The 1990's," inAndré Lapierre, Patricia Smart, and         PierreSavard, Language, Culture and Values in Canada at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Ottawa:        Carleton University Press and The InternationalCouncil for Canadian Studies, 1996.

    "Trade and the Role of Cities: What DoesInstitutionalism have to Offer Us?," in John Adams and Anthony  Scaperlanda (eds.), The Institutional Economics of the International Economy, Norwell,Mass: Kluwer        Academic Publishers,1996.

    "The Competitive City," Countdown to Istanbul: Habitat II (United NationsConference on Human       Settlements),No. 5, November 1995, pp. 17 and 18.

    "International Competitiveness ofCities," Local Government World(Newsletter of the International Union    of Local Authorities), No. 4, August 1995,pp. 10 & 11.

    "The Competitiveness of Cities: the United States," with Balwant Singh, Cities and the New Global        Economy, Melbourne: The Organization for EconomicCooperation and Development and The        AustralianGovernment, 1995.

    "The Determinants of UrbanCompetitiveness: A Survey," in Peter Karl Kresl and Gary Gappert (eds.),   NorthAmerican Cities and the Global Economy, Urban Affairs Annual Review series,Sage    Publications, 1995.

    "Canadian Studies," in MichaelPayne (ed.), The Blackwell Dictionary ofCultural and Critical Theory,         Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.

    Honors Received:

    Certificate of Recognition for work on UrbanCompetitiveness in Italy,Office of the Mayor of Naples,  Italy,2009.

    Charles P. Vaughan Professor of Economics, Bucknell University,2005-2008.

    Seagram International Visiting Fellow, McGill University,Winter-Spring 1999.

    William H. Donner Medal in Canadian Studies,Awarded by the Association for Canadian Studies in the        United  States, 1995.


    Research and Basic Conversational Ability, with one month’s notice, in:French, German, Norwegian, Spanish and Italian.