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  • Shen Jianfa

    Shen Jianfa

    Name: SHEN Jianfa

    Date of Birth: 1963

    Nationality: Chinese

    Address: Department of Geography and Resource Management

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Shatin, NT

    Hong Kong

    Tel: (852) 2609 6469

    Fax: (852) 2603 5006  

    Email: jianfa@cuhk.edu.hk

    Current Position:

    Professor and Chairman, Department of Geography and Resource Management,

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Director, Research Centre for Urban and Regional Development,

    Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies


    1986-1988    Assistant Teacher, Department of Geography, East China Normal University,  Shanghai,China

    1988-1994  Lecturer, Department of Geography, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

    1990-1991  Research Scholar in London School of Economics, UK

    1994-1995  Senior Research Assistant, Migration Unit, Dept. of Geography, University of Wales Swansea,UK

    1995-1996    Lecturer of Geography, Migration Unit, Dept. of Geography, University of Wales Swansea, UK

    1996-1996    Research Fellow, School of Geography, University of Leeds, UK

    1996-2002    Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    2002-2004    Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    2007-2008  Consultant, World Bank

    2003-2008    Co-director, Urban and Regional Development in Pacific Asia Research Programme Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies

    2008-2013    Director, Urban and Regional Development in Pacific Asia Research Programme Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies

    2013-         Director, Research Centre for Urban and Regional Development,

    Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies

    2004-          Professor, Dept. of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    2004-2014    Head of Graduate Division, Dept. of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    2014-         Chairman, Dept. of Geography and Resource Management,

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Recent Publications:

    Yeung Y M and Shen J (eds), 2008, The Pan-Pearl River Delta: An Emerging Regional Economy in a Globalizing China. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.618pp.

    Yeung Y M and Shen J(eds), 2004, Developing China’s West: A Critical Path to Balanced National Development. The Chinese University Press, Hong Kong. 604pp.

    Lau C M and Shen J (eds), 2000, China Review 2000, pp. 1-627. Chinese University Press, Hong Kong.

    Wong K Y and Shen J (eds), 2002, Resource Management, Urbanization and Governance in Hong Kong and the Zhujiang Delta. Chinese University Press, Hong Kong.

    Yeung Y M, Lu D and Shen J (eds), 1999, Urban, Rural and Regional Development, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Hong Kong. pp. 1-533.

    Shen Jianfa, 2014, Not quite a twin city: Cross-boundary integration in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, Habitat International, 42, 138-146.

    Shen Jianfa and Luo Xiaolong, 2013, From fortress Hong Kong to Hong Kong-Shenzhen metropolis: The emergence of government-led strategy for regional integration in Hong Kong, Journal of Contemporary China, 22(84), 944-965.

    Shen Jianfa, 2012, Changing patterns and determinants of inter-provincial migration in China 1985-2000, Population, Space and Place, 18, 384-402.

    Jiang Yihong, Shen Jianfa, 2010, Measuring the urban competitiveness of Chinese cities in 2000, Cities, 27(5), 307-314.

    Shen Jianfa, 2008, Hong Kong under Chinese sovereignty: economic relations with mainland China 1978-2007, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 49(3), 326-340.

    Shen Jianfa, 2008, Inter-city relations between Hong Kong and Shenzhen: Implications for urban planning and governance, Planning and Development, 23(1), 2-14.

    Shen J, 2006, Estimating urbanization levels in Chinese provinces in 1982-2000, International Statistical Review, 74(1), 89-107.

    Shen J, 2006, Understanding dual-track urbanisation in post-reform China: conceptual framework and empirical analysis,Population, Space and Place, 12(6), 497-516.

    Shen J, Feng Z and Wong KY, 2006, Dual-track urbanization in a transitional economy: the case of Pearl River Delta in south China, Habitat International, 30, 690-705.

    Shen J, 2005, Counting urban population in Chinese censuses 1953-2000: changing definitions, problems and solutions,Population, Space and Place, 11(5), 381-400.

    Luo X L and Shen J, 2005, Why urban region planning does not work well? ---- Lessons from Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Metropolitan Coordinating Region Planning, City Planning Review, 29(1), 30-35

    Shen J, 2004, Population growth, ecological degradation and construction in the western region of China, Journal of Contemporary China, 13(41), 637-661.

    Shen J, 2004, Cross-border urban governance in Hong Kong: the role of state in a globalizing city-region, The Professional Geographer: Forum and Journal of the Association of American Geographers, 56(4), 530-543.

    Shen J, 2004, Urban competitiveness and urban governance in the globalizing world, Asian Geographer, 23(1&2), 19-36.

    So M and Shen J, 2004,Measuring urban competitiveness in China, Asian Geographer, 23(1&2), 71-91.

    Shen J, 2003, Cross-border connection between Hong Kong and mainland China under "two systems" before and beyond 1997, Geografiska Annaler Series B, Human Geography, 85B(1), 1-17

    Wong K Y, Shen J, Feng Z, Gu C, 2003, An analysis of dual track urbanization in the Pearl River Delta since 1980,Journal of Economic and Social Geography (Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie), 94(2), 205-218.

    Shen J, 2002, Urban and regional development in post-reform China: the case of Zhujiang delta, Progress in Planning, 57(2), 91-140.

    Shen J, Wong K Y and Feng Z, 2002, State sponsored and spontaneous urbanization in the Pearl River Delta of south China, 1980-1998, Urban Geography, 23(7), 674-694.

    Gu C and Shen J, 2002, On regional development strategy of the west part of China, Areal Research and Development, 21(3), 28-33.

    Gu C, Shen J, Wong K Y, Zhen F, 2001, Regional polarization under the socialist-market system since 1978-- a case study of Guangdong province in south China, Environment and Planning A, 33(1), 97-119.

    Shen J, 2000, Modelling national or regional grain supply and food balance in China, Environment and Planning A, 32, 539-557

    Shen J, 1998, China’s future population and development challenges, The Geographical Journal, 164(1), 32-40.

    Shen J, 1995, Rural development and rural to urban migration in China 1978-1990, Geoforum, 26, 395-409.

    Shen J, 1994, Spatial-dynamic population systems: analysis and projection, Environment and Planning A, 26, 471-488.

    Shen J, 1991, Analysis of urban-rural population dyn