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  • Joan Trullén Thomas

    Joan TrullénThomas (Barcelona1955). PhD in Economics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). TenureProfessor in the Department of Applied Economics, UAB since 1990. Director ofthe Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies (IERMB) from april2009. He had been Director of the Department of Applied Economics, UAB,Director of the Graduate Program in Regional and Urban Studies and Director ofthe PhD Program. Specialized in the fields of economics of the territory andeconomic policy. Particularly, the theory of Industrial Districts and subjectsrelated to the Economics of Barcelona, its Metropolitan Region and Catalonia. Director ofthe Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo (UIMP) in Barcelona between November 1998 and March2004. Commissioned for the City Hallof Barcelona for the economic andterritorial evaluation and diagnosis of the project "Barcelonaas a Knowledge City" since October 1998. Associateeditor of Journal of Economics of Catalonia (Revista Econòmica de Catalunya)between 1985 and 2004. He has as actively engaged in a rather large number offunded research projects (CICYT; CIRIT; Ministry of Economics and Treasury;Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade; Barcelona Municipality;Barcelona Provincial Council, ESPON).

    Since2004 until 2008: Secretary General of Industry of the Spanish Government;President of the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI);President of the Spanish Metrology Centre. Chairman of the Naval ConstructionArea Authority; Vice President of the National Authority for Chemical WeaponsBanning; Member of the Board in Sociedad Española de ParticipacionesIndustriales (Spanish Society for Industrial Stakes) (SEPI);  Member ofthe Executive Committee and Assembly in the Barcelona Free Trade ZoneConsortium.

    Fields of research:Knowledge-based city; Industrial districts; Dessign of urban economic policy