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Director Ni Pengfei Leads Research Group to Tianjin Port for Field Survey

Publish Date:2014-03-24 16:22:45

Director Ni Pengfei led other 9 members from the research group of Development Position and Overall Planning Strategy of Tongzhouwan New District of Nantong City to take a field survey trip to Tianjin from October 29-30, 2013. Zhu Jiamu, Vice President of CASS, who was on another conference in Tianjin, also took part in some activities of this field trip. Responsible leaders from Office, Strategic Development Department, Plan and Construction Department, Finance and Accounting Department, Container Business Department and General Cargo Business Department of Tianjin Port (Group) co., Ltd attended this meeting. The research group, accompanied by responsible leaders from the Group Company Office, visited Tianjin Port Expo, Bulk Cargo Logistics Company, Bulk Cargo Logistics and Fair Market, Tianjin JinAn Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd, Sinopec Wharf Company, LGN project of CNOOC Tianjin LNG Company, Benz VPC, Pacific Container Wharf, Cruise Home-port and Ocean One International Yacht Club.

This field trip is to focus on: 1) history, status quo and outlook of Tianjin Port; 2) constitution, layout, functions, position and development of Tianjin Port; 3) construction and investment of Tianjin Port; 4) goods supply scale and development of Tianjin Port; 5) the relation between Tianjin Ports regional position and infrastructure and the urban projects; 6) experience and lessons learnt from Tianjin Port construction and development; 7) whatre critical factors for port construction, learnt from Tianjin Port; 8) the development trend of Tianjin Port and International Ports tell what issues need to be paid attention to when plan, construct and operate a port.