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The Global Urban Competitiveness Report – 2010

Publish Date:2015-02-16 10:00:53

Pengfei Ni , Peter Karl Kresl

Pengfei Ni, Professorof Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China and Peter Karl Kresl,Charles P. Vaughan Professor of Economics (Emiritus), Bucknell University, USand President, Global Urban Competitiveness Project

InAssociation with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

2010 336 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 687 8

ebookisbn 978 1 84980 545 2

The Global Urban Competitiveness Report – 2010 is an empirical study of thecompetitiveness of 500 cities around the world. This one-of-a-kind annualresource draws on a wealth of data sources, all of which are described andassessed. Using a sophisticated methodology and a team of 100 researchers fromthe Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the book not only ranks these citiesbut also presents a wealth of information with regard to the strengths andweaknesses of each city in relation to each other. The book includes a fulldiscussion of the factors that create urban competitiveness, what sorts orcategories of cities are most competitive, and comments on the policies andinitiatives that are adopted by the most competitive cities.


The Global Urban Competitiveness Report – 2010 isan empirical study of the competitiveness of 500 cities around the world. Thisone-of-a-kind annual resource draws on a wealth of data sources, all of whichare described and assessed. Using a sophisticated methodology and a team of 100researchers from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the book not onlyranks these cities but also presents a wealth of information with regard to thestrengths and weaknesses of each city in relation to each other. The bookincludes a full discussion of the factors that create urban competitiveness,what sorts or categories of cities are most competitive, and comments on thepolicies and initiatives that are adopted by the most competitive cities.

Scholars and researchers in the areas of urbaneconomics, planning, geography and regional economics will find the informationinvaluable as will local authorities, decision-makers, and economic planners incities throughout the world.

Contents: 1. The Conceptual Framework and IndexSystem 2. Analytical Methods 3. Econometric Findings 4. The City Rankings 5.Which Cities are the Most Competitive in the World? 6. What are theCharacteristics of Global Urban Competitiveness? 7. Which Factors Decide GlobalUrban Competitiveness? 8. Cities: Everything is Possible in the Future AppendicesBibliography