The Global Urban Competitiveness Report – 2013
Pengfei Ni , Peter Karl Kresl , Wei Liu
Edited by Pengfei Ni,Professor of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China, Peter KarlKresl, Charles P. Vaughan Professor of Economics (Emiritus), BucknellUniversity, US and President, Global Urban Competitiveness Project and Wei Liu,Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China
InAssociation with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
May 2015 c 272 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 802 7
ebookisbn 978 1 78254 803 4Description
‘This book provides a comprehensive view ofglobal urban competitiveness, offers a useful methodology for its comparativestudy in different socioeconomic and territorial contexts, and is supplementedwith reflections and case studies from around the world. Reading it is highlyrecommended to understand contemporary patterns on industrial and serviceslocation among cities, and the effects of such spatial concentration in theurban labor markets and in the quality of life of the urban population.’
– Jaime Sobrino, El Colegio de México, Mexico
The Global Urban Competitiveness Report – 2013is an empirical study and evaluation of the sustainable competitiveness of 500cities around the world from regional, national and other perspectives. Thisone-of-a-kind resource draws on a wealth of data sources, all of which aredescribed and assessed, and involve urban economics, geography, urban studies,regional economics and many other fields. Using a sophisticated methodology anda team of 100 researchers from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the booknot only ranks these cities but also presents a treasury of information withregard to the strengths and weaknesses of each city in relation to each other.
‘This Report – 2011 gives an overwhelming amountof comprehensive information for city managers trying to cope with theever-increasing competition between cities in attracting investments, talent,firms, knowledge, events etc. Apart from an update of the ranking of 500 citiesthis new publication offers a lot of additional information, such as aselection of the best examples of competitive cities. The book is recommendedfor everybody interested in the strengths and weaknesses of the major cities inthe world.’
– Leo van den Berg, Erasmus UniversityRotterdam, the Netherlands
‘Ni Pengfei’s GUCRs are distinctive for theirmethodology and the comprehensiveness of coverage. In this edition Ni offers usthree new insights. In three chapters he analyses aspects of the competitivenessof five functional categories of cities as centers, such as finance,technology, politics, manufacturing and port/logistics. The determinants of theelements in his Global Urban Competitiveness Report, give us an indication ofthe importance of each of the elements. The Report also provides elevenexamples of best city practices. A must-read book.’
– Peter Karl Kresl, Bucknell University, US
The Global Urban Competitiveness Report – 2013is an empirical study and evaluation of the sustainable competitiveness of 500cities around the world from regional, national and other perspectives. Thisone-of-a-kind resource draws on a wealth of data sources, all of which aredescribed and assessed, and involve urban economics, geography, urban studies,regional economics and many other fields. Using a sophisticated methodology anda team of 100 researchers from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the booknot only ranks these cities but also presents a treasury of information withregard to the strengths and weaknesses of each city in relation to each other.
Included is a full discussion on the structure,trend and determinants of global urban development, prosperity andcompetitiveness, and comments on the policies and initiatives that are adoptedby the most competitive cities. Chapters written by eminent scholars andresearchers from organizations such as the United Nations Human SettlementsProgramme, World Bank and OECD analyze key problems in sustainable urbancompetitiveness. The research shows how global cities can improve theircompetitiveness and the analysis reveals that global urban competitiveness hasincreased overall, the highlight being emerging economy cities. Thecomprehensive and concise index system and valuation method, and stable andreliable data, provide an accurate reflection on many aspects of a city and itscompetitiveness.
Scholars and researchers in the areas of urbaneconomics, planning, geography and regional economics will find the informationinvaluable, as will local authorities, decision-makers and economic planners incities throughout the world.
Contents: 1. Conceptual Framework and AnalyticalMethods 2. Global Urban Sustainable Competitiveness Index 3. Global UrbanSustainable Competitiveness: A Comprehensive Analysis 4. Global UrbanSustainable Competitiveness: A Regional Analysis 5. Global Urban SustainableCompetitiveness and Urban GDP Per Capita 6. Global Urban SustainableCompetitiveness and Urban Population Size 7. Global Urban SustainableCompetitiveness: Characteristics of Functional Centers 8. The SpecializedDifferences: One Key Vector in Urban Competitiveness 9. Social andTechnological Innovations in the Competitiveness of Cities 10. Green Cities:Examples of Governing for Green Growth from OECD Countries 11. Institutions andUrban Competitiveness – A Doing Business Perspective 12. The Challenge of WorldCity Network Pattern Changes on the World City Network Analysis 13. PopulationAging and Urban Competitiveness 14. Driving Factors of Urban Prosperity: AnEmpirical Analysis of Global Cities 15. Patterns of the Global Cities: Presentand Future 16. The State of Sustainable Competitiveness of 500 Cities Index